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Character Information
Name: Gayzerahed
Sex: Female
Vocation: Elder Druid
Level: 195
World: Epic War Server
Residence: Prawd
Guild Membership: Member of the Alianza Latina
Last login: 26 February 2024, 7:00 am
Account Status: Free Account
Balance: $ 9.737.799 Gold Coins

Heart of Destruction
Pits Of Inferno
Sacrifice Journey (Stamina)
The Annihilator
The Ancient Tombs Quest
Tower of Despair
Wrath Of The Emperor

Character Last Deaths
18/02/2024 16:42Died at level 196 by Marcelo Boss, Executer, Nazira.
14/02/2024 18:49Died at level 187 by Gui Lovezin, King Veveto, Muzan Kibutsuji, Voulim Raba.
12/02/2024 01:44Died at level 186 by Oldskool, Fauthz, Speedsz, Peri Kitho Manco.
08/02/2024 20:14Died at level 181 by Barack Celebrity Thais, Jefe De Lockoz, Vitinho Side, Jguarex Jogaeasy, Pussyto, Memoxi, Kate Austen, Sapeleco Memu, Kyosake Shigu, Gui Lovezin, Patito Full Kokain, Beyrin, Darksoul.
08/02/2024 20:12Died at level 182 by Daryll, Beyrin, Vitinho Side, Memoxi, Simples Nacional, Kyosake Shigu, Fire Anga, Sapeleco Memu, Darksoul.
08/02/2024 20:06Died at level 182 by Memoxi, Kate Austen, Balaz Again, Beyrin, Vitinho Side, Jefe De Lockoz, Luisitoxd, Jguarex Jogaeasy, Pussyto, Simples Nacional, Kyosake Shigu, Gui Lovezin, Fire Anga, Fillmore Essex, Darksoul.
08/02/2024 20:03Died at level 183 by Barack Celebrity Thais, Daryll, Beyrin, Vitinho Side, Jefe De Lockoz, Memoxi, Pussyto, Simples Nacional, Ice Heart, Gui Lovezin, Fire Anga, Sapeleco Mesmo, Kate Austen.
06/02/2024 22:49Died at level 178 by Chell Mage, Fuzyl Espadachin, Carnaval Da Globo, Heal Black, Klandeztina, Hyt Vitin, Bruniinzk, Kevin Augusto, Ziul Leirbag, Netinsky, Igorzera, Eu Amo Crime, Bragah Cidade Ddeusz, Doidera Edzao.
06/02/2024 22:46Died at level 178 by Fabianita, Rick, Carnaval Da Globo, Bruniinzk, Sashra, Mago Merlin, Kevin Augusto, Hyt Vitin, Fuzyl Espadachin, Chell Mage, Ziul Leirbag, Esklo New, Bragah Cidade Ddeusz, Jguarex Jogaeasy, Heal Black, Mensofit, Speedsz, Young Burn, Netinsky, Igorzera, Doidera Edzao.
06/02/2024 21:08Died at level 179 by Mourazord, Galego, Hyt Vitin, Fuzyl Espadachin, Carnaval Da Globo, Eu Amo Crime, Igorzera, Rick.
05/02/2024 18:19Died at level 179 by 3x Dragon Lord.
01/02/2024 18:56Died at level 168 by 2x Dragon Lord.
01/02/2024 17:50Died at level 169 by 4x Dragon Lord, Money Maker Full.
31/01/2024 23:11Died at level 165 by Ziul Leirbag, Deiviisitok, Rick, Fuzyl Espadachin, Woja Matka, Heal Black, Classic Control, Wyntecx, Bruniinzk, Xandowsky, Mensofit, Peri Kitho Manco, Kevin Augusto, Pamoon, Bragah Cidade Ddeusz, Hyt Vitin.
31/01/2024 23:09Died at level 166 by Galego, Rick, Xandowsky, Wyntecx, Bruniinzk, Peri Kitho Manco, Notreve, Kevin Augusto, Hyt Vitin, Fuzyl Espadachin, Fernandini, Mensofit, Ziul Leirbag, Woja Matka, Polaco, Heal Black, Pamoon, Doidera Edzao.
31/01/2024 23:06Died at level 166 by Galego, Rick, Xandowsky, Ziul Leirbag, Heal Black, Kevin Augusto, Pamoon, Joana Dark, Mensofit, Hyt Vitin, Polaco, Notreve, Bragah Cidade Ddeusz, Doidera Edzao.
31/01/2024 23:00Died at level 166 by Woja Matka, Rick, Fuzyl Espadachin, Kevin Augusto, Bragah Cidade Ddeusz, Bruniinzk, Hyt Vitin, Mensofit, Peri Kitho Manco, Ziul Leirbag, Polaco, Pamoon, Doidera Edzao.
31/01/2024 19:20Died at level 167 by Rody Ziin, Galego, Beyrin, You Say Grey, Rt Opressor, Terror Dos Bot, Dudu Paralyze, Dolfoo, Sapeleco Mesmo, Epic King.
31/01/2024 19:17Died at level 167 by Rody Ziin, Galego, Beyrin, Peeter Side, Terror Dos Bot, Dolfoo, Simples Nacional, Kyosake Shigu, Dudu Paralyze, You Say Grey, Sapeleco Mesmo, Epic King.
30/01/2024 22:36Died at level 168 by Galego, Chell Mage, Xandowsky, Carnaval Da Globo, Jakeez, Bruniinzk, Young Burn, Victor The Boss, Hyt Vitin, Fuzyl Espadachin, Rafasz, Mensofit, Ziul Leirbag, Nerissa Swiftarrow, Netinsky, Igorzera, Deiviisitok.
30/01/2024 22:29Died at level 168 by Rick, Xandowsky, Carnaval Da Globo, Classic Control, Young Burn, Notreve, Victor The Boss, Hyt Vitin, Heal Black, Khamzat, Ktz Pisandonovitin, Rafasz, Fuzyl Espadachin, Joana Dark, Ziul Leirbag, Mensofit, Charizard, Chell Mage, Igorzera, Doidera Edzao.
28/01/2024 12:21Died at level 154 by Fauthz, Sujiro Kimimame, Jaguarx Kriminal, Niszczyciel Bahiasz, Niszczyciel Drifas, Lkss Reload, Jogador Barato, Taylor Swift, Mago Merlin, Zwokaster.
24/01/2024 11:30Died at level 105 by Azerus, Maykera, 3x Rift Scythe, 2x Rift Brood.
24/01/2024 05:41Died at level 86 by Dragon Lord.
24/01/2024 01:41Died at level 86 by 4x Dragon Lord, Distance Four.

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Experience History
EXP Todaynot gain exp (experience total)
01/06/2024not gain exp (experience total)
31/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
30/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
29/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
28/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
27/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)

Account Information
Created:19 January 2024, 7:06 pm

1. Gayzerahed Epic War Server offline

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