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Character Information
Name: Misael
Sex: Male
Vocation: Elder Druid
Level: 168
World: Epic War Server
Residence: Nivia
Guild Membership: The Leader of the Levanton
Last login: 5 February 2024, 3:47 pm
Account Status: Free Account
Balance: $ 171.455 Gold Coins

Heart of Destruction
Pits Of Inferno
Sacrifice Journey (Stamina)
The Annihilator
The Ancient Tombs Quest
Tower of Despair
Wrath Of The Emperor

Character Last Deaths
04/02/2024 19:00Died at level 168 by Ertetox, Confused.
04/02/2024 18:06Died at level 168 by Ferb, Confused, Pain Elite, 3x Bog Raider.
04/02/2024 17:13Died at level 168 by Confused, Ertetox, Pain Elite.
02/02/2024 00:07Died at level 167 by Dragon Lord, Vovo Scripts On, Pala El Seco.
30/01/2024 01:07Died at level 165 by Vo Vo, Uaa, Topg Vnm, Nera Nera, Sujiro Kimimame, Legendarny Prophets, Alagoanow, Niszczyciel Pedrinho, Niszczyciel Mtz, Zwokaster, Floki, Ak Pro, Antigao, Haaskel, Niszczyciel Drifas.
30/01/2024 00:51Died at level 166 by War In Porthope, Sujiro Kimimame, Saymox Ylowcy, Nera Nera, Legendarny Prophets, Niszczyciel Bahiasz, Antigao, Kritz Manafluid, Vo Vo, Niszczyciel Raulz, Topg Vnm, Niszczyciel Mtz, Alagoanow, Zwokaster, Niszczyciel Drifas, Ak Pro, Jogador Barato, Uaa, Misael.
30/01/2024 00:36Died at level 166 by Niszczyciel Mtz, Gekk Halo, Nera Nera, Legendarny Prophets, Alagoanow, Antigao, Dynamo, Uaa, Niszczyciel Raulz, Niszczyciel Bahiasz, Topg Vnm, Niszczyciel Pedrinho, Sujiro Kimimame, Zwokaster, Niszczyciel Drifas, Ak Pro, Jogador Barato, Haaskel, Saymox Ylowcy.
30/01/2024 00:32Died at level 166 by Misael, Niszczyciel Mtz, Saymox Ylowcy, Nera Nera, Legendarny Prophets, Alagoanow, Niszczyciel Drifas, Walked Relajao, Vo Vo, Niszczyciel Raulz, Lewandowski, Topg Vnm, Niszczyciel Pedrinho, Sujiro Kimimame, Ak Pro, Jogador Barato, Haaskel, Uaa.
30/01/2024 00:30Died at level 167 by Misael, Sujiro Kimimame, Nera Nera, Niszczyciel Raulz, Topg Vnm, Niszczyciel Pedrinho, Alagoanow, Niszczyciel Mtz, Uaa.
30/01/2024 00:08Died at level 167 by Misael, Niszczyciel Mtz, Legendarny Prophets, Alagoanow, The Betillo, Antigao, Vo Vo, Sujiro Kimimame, Niszczyciel Raulz, Lewandowski, Kiko Manafluid, Niszczyciel Pedrinho, Zeuzz Manafluid, Zwokaster, Carlitoz, Ak Pro, Jogador Barato, Haaskel, Niszczyciel Bahiasz.
29/01/2024 23:33Died at level 167 by Dolfoo, Dudu King, Checo Lesvania, Beyrin, Member Abusado, Druid Angel, Confused, Vitinho Side, Niielx Eogolpe, Og Low, Corsero, Misael, Zenki, Legend Alfrediitoh, Mateusz Side.
29/01/2024 23:31Died at level 168 by Dolfoo, Misael, Mandarin, Saymox Ylowcy, Checo Lesvania, Vitinho Side, Darksoul, Beyrin, Patito Full Kokain, Mateusz Side, Dudu King, Confused, Druid Angel, Zenki, War In Porthope, Wgnhoo.
29/01/2024 23:18Died at level 168 by Misael, Druid Angel, Mandarin, Zenki, Checo Lesvania, Vitinho Side, Beyrin, Kiko Manafluid, Dudu King, Niielx Eogolpe, War In Porthope, Corsero, Hardwell, Fire Anga, Legend Alfrediitoh, Mateusz Side.
29/01/2024 23:16Died at level 168 by War In Porthope, Saymox Ylowcy, Vitinho Side, Kate Austen, Corsero, Confused, Legend Alfrediitoh, Wgnhoo, Dolfoo, Dudu King, Mandarin, Beyrin, Patito Full Kokain, Mateusz Side, Walked Relajao, Zenki, Sapeleco Mesmo, Fire Anga.
29/01/2024 23:14Died at level 169 by Pepito Robinho, Saymox Ylowcy, Vitinho Side, Niielx Eogolpe, Corsero, Hardwell, Fire Anga, Legend Alfrediitoh, Dolfoo, Druid Angel, Mandarin, Beyrin, Misael, Dudu King, Zenki, Sapeleco Mesmo, Kate Austen.
29/01/2024 23:12Died at level 169 by Misael, Saymox Ylowcy, Vitinho Side, Kiko Manafluid, Kate Austen, Norix, Corsero, Hardwell, Sapeleco Mesmo, Wgnhoo, Dolfoo, Dudu King, Beyrin, Patito Full Kokain, War In Porthope, Legend Alfrediitoh, Kritz Manafluid, Zenki, Niielx Eogolpe, Darksoul.
29/01/2024 23:06Died at level 169 by Misael, Saymox Ylowcy, Vitinho Side, Kiko Manafluid, Niielx Eogolpe, Corsero, Hardwell, Fire Anga, Sapeleco Mesmo, Wgnhoo, Dolfoo, Dudu King, Patito Full Kokain, Mateusz Side, Zenki, Legend Alfrediitoh, Confused.
29/01/2024 23:04Died at level 170 by Pepito Robinho, Gekk Halo, Member Abusado, Niielx Eogolpe, Corsero, Hardwell, Confused, Sapeleco Mesmo, Wgnhoo, Dolfoo, Dudu King, Mandarin, Zenki, Patito Full Kokain, Wythergf Yughfd, Og Low, Vitinho Side, The Betillo, Fakemoster, Mateusz Side, Darksoul.
29/01/2024 22:46Died at level 170 by Misael, Og Low, Zandroo, The Betillo, Dynamo, Pepito Robinho.
25/01/2024 01:27Died at level 151 by Drifas Bundamole, Rick, Niszczyciel Bahiasz, Elsapo Zambada, No Have Counter, Sokomo Kudiome, War Supp, Pryzjcl Vitin, Niszczyciel Raulz, Misael, Niszczyciel Pedrinho, War In Porthope, Zwokaster, Niszczyciel Drifas, Niszczyciel Mtz, Contra Nordeste, Haaskel, Leaf Underground.
25/01/2024 01:22Died at level 151 by Misael, Niszczyciel Mtz, Niszczyciel Raulz, Niszczyciel Bahiasz, Niszczyciel Pedrinho, Leaf Underground, No Have Counter, Rick, Draew Daa Vini, Niszczyciel Drifas, Kritz Manafluid, Aelenao.
22/01/2024 07:00Died at level 143 by 3x Dragon Lord.
20/01/2024 23:25Died at level 91 by 2x Dragon Lord.
20/01/2024 20:33Died at level 84 by Dragon Lord, Joaquim.
20/01/2024 19:07Died at level 77 by Fauthz, Hyt Vitin, Ak Pro, Blindado, Bruniinzk.

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Experience History
EXP Todaynot gain exp (experience total)
01/06/2024not gain exp (experience total)
31/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
30/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
29/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
28/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
27/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)

Account Information
Created:25 February 2023, 1:37 pm

1. Misael Epic War Server offline

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