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Character Information
Name: Igorzera
Sex: Male
Vocation: Master Sorcerer
Level: 217
World: Epic War Server
Residence: Carlin
Guild Membership: Member of the New Fight
Last login: 29 February 2024, 11:58 pm
Account Status: Free Account
Balance: $ 4.481.634 Gold Coins

Heart of Destruction
Pits Of Inferno
Sacrifice Journey (Stamina)
The Annihilator
The Ancient Tombs Quest
Tower of Despair
Wrath Of The Emperor

Character Last Deaths
29/02/2024 23:58Died at level 200 by Zlxypqwre, Iguin Capixaba, Birger Brodowski, Xnd The Runner, Rushw, Bodybuilder, Franziska, Szybko, Knight Aids, Daryll, Paizao Aktrovao, Delta, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Valdinho, Ziul Leirbag, Gerente, Oh Deus, Blindado, Manin The Legend, Igorzera, Chaves Revoltado.
29/02/2024 23:34Died at level 200 by Zlxypqwre, Iguin Capixaba, Birger Brodowski, Rushzin, Xnd The Runner, Rushw, Kastor The Brutal, Waxzxpzyt, Manin The Legend, Paizao Aktrovao, Knight Aids, Szybko, Daryll, Gerente, Speedsz, Blindado, Tank De Guerra, Franziska, Chaves Revoltado.
29/02/2024 22:50Died at level 200 by General Hk, Wyntecx, Robbery, Maverick, Rushzin, Valdinho, Waxzxpzyt, Uaa, Paizao Aktrovao, Speedsz, Giuseppe Garibaldi, Gerente, Oh Deus, Knight Aids, Tank De Guerra, Birger Brodowski, Szybko.
29/02/2024 21:55Died at level 219 by Gago, Ziul Leirbag, Speedsz.
22/02/2024 23:15Died at level 200 by Caruso Magecompleto, Abackor, Demente, Hyt Vitin, Valdinho, Skrey Rush, The Betillo, Nero Razis, Baudesk, Fowl, Fakemoster, Strong Machine, Mensofit.
22/02/2024 23:04Died at level 200 by Elitesky, Abackor, Demente, Gekk Halo, Kiko Manafluid, Hyt Vitin, The Betillo, Strong Machine, Nero Razis, Fowl, Ramzsik, Crk Cevichelover, Gennady Mikhasevich.
22/02/2024 22:54Died at level 200 by Skrey Rush, Carloskyx, Gekk Halo, Mata Sapos, The Betillo, Wythergf Yughfd, Gennady Mikhasevich, Baudesk, Fowl, Ramzsik, Demente, Doidera Edzao.
22/02/2024 22:53Died at level 200 by Caruso Magecompleto, Carloskyx, Gekk Halo, Kiko Manafluid, Strong Machine, Netinsky, Fowl, Skrey Rush, Abackor, Demente, Heal Black, Anyway, Wythergf Yughfd, Nero Razis, Mata Sapos, Hyt Vitin, Baudesk, Crk Cevichelover, Gennady Mikhasevich.
22/02/2024 22:48Died at level 200 by Carloskyx, Gekk Halo, Wyntecx, The Betillo, Strong Machine, Baudesk, Fowl, Skrey Rush, Hyt Vitin, Demente, Gago, Wythergf Yughfd, Speedsz, Mata Sapos, Nero Razis, Ramzsik, Crk Cevichelover, Gennady Mikhasevich.
22/02/2024 21:50Died at level 221 by 5x Phantasm.
22/02/2024 19:34Died at level 221 by 4x Phantasm.
22/02/2024 07:27Died at level 220 by 2x Banshee, Nightstalker, 6x Souleater.
22/02/2024 06:21Died at level 220 by 2x Vampire, Andzor, 3x Banshee, 2x Braindeath, 11x Souleater, Archerzin.
22/02/2024 05:49Died at level 221 by Freya, Archerzin, Instakill.
20/02/2024 23:25Died at level 200 by Executer, Rampage, Beyrin, Ms Da Uee, Juliet Burke, Yass, Epic Judge, Legend Alfrediitoh, Speedsz, Oul, Hardwell, Lefinhoo Is Back, Kivishzavrask, Amigo Domudin.
20/02/2024 23:17Died at level 200 by Clutch, Dudu King, Ms Da Uee, Juliet Burke, Wyntecx, Kivishzavrask, Executer, Ziul Leirbag, Gui Do Paramax, Amigo Domudin, Bodybuilder Everyday, Legend Alfrediitoh, Hardwell.
20/02/2024 23:11Died at level 200 by Ms Da Uee, Juliet Burke, Wyntecx, Kate Austen, Xnd The Runner, Legend Alfrediitoh, Clutch, Executer, Hyt Vitin, Beyrin, Yass, Gui Do Paramax, Epic Judge, Kivishzavrask, Druid Angel, Lefinhoo Is Back, Dudu King, Amigo Domudin, Bragah Cidade Ddeusz, Hardwell.
20/02/2024 22:53Died at level 200 by Rampage, Ms Da Uee, Juliet Burke, Hardwell, Legend Alfrediitoh, Clutch, Dudu King, Yass, Executer, Amigo Domudin, Gui Lovezin, Mage Brabo, Speedsz, Oul, Gui Do Paramax, Valdinho, Kivishzavrask, Lefinhoo Is Back.
20/02/2024 22:45Died at level 200 by Rampage, Xandowsky, Vitinho Side, Kate Austen, Xnd The Runner, Yield, Dudu King, Heal Black, Yass, Executer, Ms Da Uee, Mage Brabo, Simples Nacional, Gui Do Paramax, Legend Alfrediitoh, Hardwell, Kivishzavrask, Amigo Domudin.
20/02/2024 22:42Died at level 200 by Vitinho Side, Juliet Burke, Jakeez, Executer, Hardwell, Speedsz, Yield, Joana Dark, Clutch, Dudu King, Hyt Vitin, Heal Black, Beyrin, Gui Lovezin, Kivishzavrask, Igorzera, Legend Alfrediitoh, Mage Brabo, Simples Nacional, Oul, Klandeztino, Ms Da Uee, Gui Do Paramax, Lefinhoo Is Back.
20/02/2024 22:32Died at level 200 by Clutch, Dudu King, Hyt Vitin, Executer, Yield, Rampage, Juliet Burke, Amigo Domudin, Hardwell, Mage Brabo, Simples Nacional, Oul, Gui Lovezin, Ice King, Kivishzavrask, Legend Alfrediitoh.
19/02/2024 23:23Died at level 200 by Caruso Magecompleto, Iguin Capixaba, Carnaval Da Globo, Mage Cotoco, Astro Mix, Valdinho, Fordeco, Kevin Augusto, Bodybuilder, Visyon, Manin The Legend, Szybko, Paizao Aktrovao, Rushw, Maverick, Hyt Vitin, Birger Brodowski, Delta, Oh Deus, Maxj Belgram, Speedsz, Teco, Chaves Revoltado.
19/02/2024 23:17Died at level 200 by Visyon, Legendarny, Szybko, Maverick, Mage Cotoco, Delta, Astro Mix, Speedsz, Oh Deus, Teco, Fordeco, Bragah Cidade Ddeusz, Birger Brodowski.
19/02/2024 23:15Died at level 200 by Caruso Magecompleto, Iguin Capixaba, Mage Cotoco, Maverick, Fordeco, Bodybuilder, Visyon, Elitesky, Hyt Vitin, Paizao Aktrovao, Birger Brodowski, Delta, Legendarny, Szybko, Astro Mix, Teco, Maxj Belgram.
19/02/2024 23:05Died at level 200 by Iguin Capixaba, Mage Cotoco, Birger Brodowski, Valdinho, Fordeco, Bodybuilder, Visyon, Daryll, Paizao Aktrovao, Maxj Belgram, Maverick, Speedsz, Oh Deus, Astro Mix, Szybko, Teco, Chaves Revoltado.

Frags List
Frags Justified
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Experience History
EXP Todaynot gain exp (experience total)
19/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
18/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
17/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
16/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
15/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)
14/05/2024not gain exp (experience total)

Account Information
Created:5 January 2024, 1:53 pm

1. Igorzera Epic War Server offline

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